Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This is getting Nasty...But too funny !

I am sure M Fans have their own versions of all these pictures. But these are just too funny .This picture is pretty common , I have seen these kind of messages , much too often.

This is one is an ESPN classic !! I also love the ESPN ad which has a blind date between a OSU and Michigan fan , where the guy jumps out of the car and shouts , Go Bukeyes !!

And the last one...How can you not love this ? I have always loved the MC ads , this just adds a new wrinkle to it ! Love it !


Magesh said...

That last picture is RIDICULOUS!!

How on earth could you get a Michigan - Ohio State ticket for just $30?? (non-student -- he's too young ;-)

Aravind said...

these pics never stop amusing me despite the number of times we have seen it despite no affliation (just mutual hatred) towards either team

dinesh said...


I didn't see the last one. The first 2 I did, and I thought the 2 nd one was awesome!!!

These guys know how to market a big game for sure !!

Sriram said...

the 2nd one was an old one guys. i've seen it a few years back on ESPN. I'm not sure if they wore the same school shirts, though.

they'r hilarious, nonetheless

Sayee said...

Yes the second one is a old ad. Also there is another new one , this year.

Blind date...guy jumping out of the car.thats real good as well.

Im picking OSU by a TD