Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Joy...and later the Letdown

Our boys beat the SPURS on their home floor , where they have a ridiculous winning percentage (85%-90%). It was a big win for us even though we caught them on a back-to-back after a tough road game against the MAVS. Our offense was well orchestrated and Lebron was into the game from the get go.Fewer TO's , good defense won us the game. I also liked the composure of our team to hold on to the lead when the spurs where making a furious comeback.

Now to the letdown ,

Why am I not bothered by this loss ?

The CAVS did not get to the hotel till 4 am in Charlotte. The schedule makers in Seacaucus NJ , must have not graduated from high school.How in the world would you describe the schedule of a back to back game in Texas and North Carolina ?

Why am I slightly bothered ?

The CAVS should not loose to the BOBCATS. PERIOD. No matter what the circumstances were. They thought they could show up and win a game. Sadly , teams these days have too much talent and that will not happen.

They have a chance to prove to the fans that they are serious about every game starting tonight.Hawks are at the Q and expect to see Lebron have a huge night. After all its his bobblehead night !


Sriram said...

I agree that scheduling back to back games across timezones is ridiculous, but all the teams go through that sometime or the other.

That kind of scheduling in inevitable. Still, you'd think a fan/team wouldn't complain about it in the first week of the season! ;-)

Listen, don't go crazy. Stop tracking their airplanes.

Sayee said...

I cannot believe this da. How can they schedule like this da ? I dont agree. I agree with long roadtrips like the one SA takes every year for the rodeo. But overnight east to west ellam too much da..adhuvum next day they played at 7 pm. Just not acceptable.

I hope to have all my hair intact by the end of the season.

Sriram said...

You have to give the benefit of doubt to the schedulers for trying to fit it all in. It is probably not possible to accomodate them all. (i.e,

Moreover, the last I checked they aren't playing for charity. You give me a million dollars and I'll get my ass ready to play every night.

What is wrong with a 7 PM start? Its ridiculous to start a game after 8PM just to give your players another hour of snooze. It doesn't help the 20000 fans in the stands or the million others watching on TV.

Aravind said...

My boi Josh Smith will be there posterizing lebron and company !!!

Openign week travel schedule is pretty bad as they try to have every team have a good home opener in the short week... Back to backs are part of the NBA league .. cant do anything..

Sayee said...

I don't think both you guys got my point. Back to Backs I am used to..but why in two different coasts ??

Money ellam issue illa machi..We all know Pro-Players are spoiled.

Josh Smith posterizing Lebron i.e NO WAY..you think Lebron is going to try to defend anyone...hehe !

Aravind said...

I heard on the radio that Lebron left teh floor with 15 seconds left in the game.. Randy moss was chastised for doing so with 2 secs.. Did you see the game ?? can you shed more light on this.. Media seems to jsut totally treat this as a non issue.. I think this is as bad as Melo not entering the last few minutes of the game as he was upset with the coach..