Friday, February 09, 2007

A Quick CAVS update

We are 28-21 ...after 49 games. That leaves 33 games, out of which 16 are at home. get to Last year's win total we need to win 22 games. Anything less than that..we will be underachievers.

I don't know about you , But I am really concerned about Lebron and his play recently as windhorst points out this morning . I think we need to make a trade , to get a legitimate scorer... I mean a player , who's big contract should not worry us. Think about Dallas. Do you think they would worry about a big contract , if they get a good player in return. Cuban would have no problem signing that check and Gilbert is the same way. He has deep pockets..and if you need to win , you need to shell out money. (DONT give me BS about look SA or LA and how they don't spend a whole lot...if you need to need to put the money on the table)

No one other than Lebron is untouchable in this team ..provided we get the right value in return. Think about it , Anderson Varejao - is a great rebounder ,energy provider... a fan favorite ...but where his the ceiling for him ? ....I think he has already reached it !

He is not like dirk or bargniani... who needs to be groomed when they are young , so that they become superstars in the league. ...Superstars in the league need to score...and score sorry we don't have anyone other than lebron who can provide that !

IMHO , we have to win tonight and on Sunday to get back in the reckoning...and yeah will the real Mr.Lebron please stand up !

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